Alan And Alena

Robomodix introduces the Hard Core series of social robots. Alan and Alena represent 5 years of research and development. They are designed to utilize emerging technologies such as deep learning AI, object recognition, facial recognition, and motion tracking. Our robots are also fully compatible with today's smart speaker devices like Google's Home, Amazon's Alexa and even Apple's Siri.


Alan and Alena are human scale robot heads and shoulders. They contain 6 axis of motion provided by heavy duty robot Dynamixels and high efficiency PWM servo motors. The robots are built on an aluminum frame for strength and lightweight mobility. The high temperature epoxy shells are designed to be resistant to higher temperature environments. Skins are manufactured with platinum silicone for longevity and endurance. The magnetic and modular design allow for future upgrades.


Our Hard Core Robots are designed around a state of the art controller. The core components allow for the following abilities:

  • Control via computer, tablet or phone
  • Jaw sync with audio input
  • Voice recognition 
  • Voice synthesis
  • On-board camera for vision
  • Facial and object recognition
  • Sensor data reading
  • Object tracking

Alan and Alena are optimized for long term use in high traffic areas. The robots are highly customizable and can be programmed to fit your use case. Use case examples:

  • Museum displays
  • AI Research
  • Company Marketing
  • Customer Data acquisition
  • Surveillance
  • Voice controlled home and business automation
  • Personal Assistant
  • Receptionist/Hospitality
  • Education
  • Telepresence
  • Healthcare








Robomodix focuses on the social impacts of robots with faces. How will our ongoing contact with humanoid robots impact our future interactions with them? Alan and Alena are the perfect platforms to explore these face to face interactions, a conduit for human robotic interactions or  HRI. Our robots ensure engagement with people by their futuristic sci fi appearance and their cutting edge technology.  


Our robot Alan, has recently been installed in the Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Cultural Centre in Kuwait. The installation provides visitors the opportunity to explore deep machine learning through object recognition.  




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C.E.O. and Founder

Robomodix was founded in 2015 by Will Huff, a veteran of effects in the motion picture industry. Fueled by the evolving AI technologies and today’s 3D design and printing tools, Will set out to build a better robot by fusing art with technology. Robomodix continues to push the boundaries in human robotic interactions and he hopes that one day his robots will be a part of everyday society.

  • Today’s AI is about new ways of connecting people to computers, people to knowledge, people to the physical world, and people to people.


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"Huff and his team separates themselves from the rest of the robot design crowd in matters of aesthetics, materials, and mechanisms."

      --David Greer, Servo Magazine